
Aloe Drink Graviola

1 Lt

RRP : 36.00EUR *
Ref 5020 |
74,75% pure Aloe Barbadensis Miller juice from organic farming, with 25% Graviola.

The three Vegas Vital Aloe Drinks are won from pure biologically grown Spanish Aloe plants of the variety Barbadensis Miller and is also produced in Spain, using a patented manufacturing process. Even the ministry of agriculture responsible, guarantees the origin and the monitoring of biological cultivation on our Aloe Drink Natural with a seal of quality.

Unlike conventional powder-based Aloe juice, our product is 100% freshly squeezed. Due to the certifed organic crops, cautious harvesting, as well as the quick processing within 24 hours, our Aloe Drinks contain a very high Acemanan component as well. We also guarantee that they all exclude Aloin.

Through the patented manufacturing process, important vitamins such as A, B and C, minerals like germanium, calcium, iodine, copper, zinc, iron, magnesium, sodium, potassium, manganese, and also amino acids such as Valine, methionine, phenylalanine, lysine and Leucine, which are found in the Aloe plant as well, are maintained.

In addition to our pure Aloe Drink Natural consisting of 99,80% Aloe Barbadensis Miller, we have an Aloe Drink Honey with 5% blossom honey. The whole range is crowned with our Aloe Drink Graviola, as Graviola (Annona Muricata) stands for a very special tree and its fruit. It originated among others in South America. For centuries the native inhabitants have valued Graviola as a foodstuff, but also for its partial Aloe Vera like and other sensational properties.

Various scientifc acknowledgements around the world have confrmed the benefcial effects of Graviola so that a variety of literature can be found on this. We have used this knowledge in the development of our Aloe Vera Drink Graviola and are therefore once again able to show our ability.

  • Cultivated and processed exclusively in europe
  • High percentage of aloe vera – 99.98%
  • No artificial colouring or preservatives, aloin-free!
  • Gluten Free
  • Vegan

Recommended dosage
3 x 30ml daily
IngredientsDaily dosis% NRV *
Aloe Barbadensis Miller67,28 g**
Graviola22,5 g**

* NRV = recommended daily dosage, according to Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011
** = No recommendation established

INGREDIENTS PER 100ML:Aloe vera juice (Aloe barbadensis Mill.) 74,74ml, Graviola (Annona muricata) 25ml, Acidulant (Citric acid) and Antioxidant (Ascorbic Acid), Preservative (potassium sorbate). 

* Prices shown include VAT and shipping costs..
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